Hearing aids are an investment in your health and well-being. When you find the perfect pair, you want to make sure they’re going to last for years to come.
One of the best ways to keep your hearing aids working well is to develop a proper maintenance routine that involves ridding them of moisture, earwax and other debris. These elements can wreak havoc on your device and cause them to malfunction.
Regular maintenance can also help protect your ears from irritation or infection. Using hearing aids can alter the flora in the ear canal and research has shown that hearing aid users have more bacteria and fungi in their ear swab samples than those without a device.
Let’s take a look at four of the top tools you should consider adding to your hearing aid maintenance kit.
Cleaning Brush
Soft bristled brushes are a staple of hearing aid cleaning kits. They help remove dirt and other debris that collects on the outside of your device. The bristles can also be used to get inside the holes of your hearing aid to remove particles from there, as well.
Ventilation Cleaner
This is a wire-like tool that’s used to remove moisture and earwax from the vent that is found on most in-the-ear hearing aid models. To use, gently push the cleaner through the vent hole until it reaches the other side. Afterwards, wipe off any buildup with a soft dry cloth.
Earwax Guard
Earwax can clog your hearing aid and affect sound quality. Earwax guards are small screens that fit onto your hearing aid and prevents wax from building up on the device. They are typically used in behind-the-ear and receiver-in-ear models. They should be changed every couple of months for maximum effectiveness.
Drying Box
Drying boxes use air and heat to remove excess moisture. Some even use UV light, which can kill bacteria. They can be used nightly as a safe, moisture-free place to store your hearing aids. Additionally, they can come in handy in case you accidentally take a shower or go for a swim at Fort Meyers Beach while wearing your device.
For more information on caring for your devices, contact Gulf Coast Audiology today.