Playing in front of a packed crowd at The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon would be a dream come true for many aspiring musicians. However, it also puts you at a greater risk of noise-induced hearing loss.
A 2017 study examined 125 musicians with at least five years of professional experience and had them undergo audiometric examinations. Among the study’s findings were that:
- 2% had bilateral hearing loss
- 51% reported a history of tinnitus after performing
- 28% reported ear pain during performing
- Less than 2% said they used hearing protection devices
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss? 
Repeated exposure to noise above 85 decibels can cause noise induced hearing loss. In addition to live concerts, other common sounds that could contribute to this condition include:
- Sporting events
- Riding motorcycles or snowmobiles
- Hunting
- Mowing the lawn
- Listening to music at a high volume through headphones or earbuds
Early Signs of Hearing Loss
If you’re a musician and have experienced any of the following, make an appointment for a hearing test as soon as possible:
- Struggling to hear the right note or play in the proper key when performing
- Trouble following conversations in groups of people, especially in places with a lot of background noise
- Others comment on the volume when you listen to music or watch TV
- It feels like people mumble a lot
- You experience tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears)
- You have more trouble hearing out of one ear than the other
- Loud noises are more startling and/or cause discomfort
- Loved ones have commented on your hearing
Take Care of Your Ears
Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect your ears while still getting to play the music you love.
- Wear earplugs or other protection. You can get earplugs specifically designed for musicians. They range in material from foam to soft plastic and protect your ears while still allowing you to hear the music. Regular earplugs can also offer protection.
- Get a hearing test if you’re worried you have already experienced damage. This quick, painless test can let you know right away if you have suffered hearing loss and to what extent.
- If you do have hearing loss, treat it with hearing aids. Hearing aids can help you hear sounds properly and treating hearing loss can help prevent further damage.
If you have additional questions about hearing loss or wish to schedule an appointment, contact Gulf Coast Audiology today.