It’s not a surprise that hearing loss can cause you to turn up the volume louder when you watch TV or struggle to follow conversations when you’re out in busy environments like Three Fisherman Seafood Restaurant. However, did you know that untreated hearing loss can also make you feel more tired?
Hearing Loss and Mental Fatigue 
When you struggle to hear, your brain has to work harder than it once did to try and understand sounds. You might find yourself straining to hear more in work meetings or at large family get-togethers. This extra mental effort needed to go about your day can be exhausting, and you may find yourself feeling worn out more easily, especially after situations that require a lot of interaction.
Feelings of fatigue can also exacerbate feelings of stress because you feel as though you can’t perform daily tasks to your fullest potential. Studies have shown that adults with hearing loss experience both more fatigue and more stress in the workplace than those with normal hearing.
An additional study asked over 3,000 participants to rate their levels of fatigue every day over a two-week period. They found that participants with hearing loss were more likely to experience fatigue over half the days in that time period than those with normal hearing.
Additionally, people with hearing loss were more likely to experience fatigue every day, and the more severe the hearing loss was, the more likely it was that people would report daily fatigue.
Can Hearing Aids Help You Feel Less Tired?
If you feel like hearing loss is wearing you down, you might be unsure of what to do next. Taking the right steps toward treating your hearing loss may help.
The first step is to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. These examinations are quick and non-invasive and can easily identify what kind of hearing loss you have as well as its severity. In the vast majority of hearing loss cases, hearing aids are the best treatment option.
Hearing aids help make it easier for your ears and brain to process sound. This means you can put less mental effort into understanding what is being said and can focus on playing with your grandchildren at the beach or catching up with an old friend over coffee.
To learn more or to find the right pair of hearing aids for you, call the experts at Gulf Coast Audiology today.