Did You Know October Is Audiology Awareness Month?

What are your favorite sounds of autumn? Ours are the crunching of leaves under our feet at Park of Palms, the crackling of a bonfire and the honking of geese flying south for the winter. If you have hearing loss, you could be missing out on these beautiful autumn sounds. Fortunately, October is Audiology Awareness…
Recharge Your Hearing: When to Replace the Batteries in Your Hearing Aids

The last thing you want when enjoying a night out with friends is for your hearing aid batteries to die mid-conversation. To prevent this, it’s important to always be prepared. Below we review when to replace your hearing aid batteries and tips to help your batteries last longer. The Different Types of Hearing Aid Batteries…

In 2020 alone, the Naples Woman’s Club awarded more than $230,000 in scholarships and grants to deserving individuals and groups. It also began lending support to a transitional cottage for abused single mothers who are at risk of becoming homeless. Patricia Watts, 68, is among the 300 members who made all that happen. While her…
Most Common Hearing Aid Repairs You Can Expect to Need

Your hearing aids have the important job of connecting you to the hearing world. Though hearing aids are built to withstand the rugged environment of your ear, that doesn’t mean they aren’t sometimes subject to damage. Below are some of the most common hearing aid problems and how to get them repaired. Broken Tubing Behind-the-ear…
How Can Headphones & Earbuds Harm Your Hearing?

Many of us enjoy listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks through headphones to make our commutes more enjoyable, but if you’re not careful, you could be putting your ears at risk. Below we review how unsafe listening practices can cause damage to the ears and how to listen safely. How Loud Sounds Cause Damage Inside…
Tips for Keeping Your Ears Safe this Summer

Summer weather means fun summer activities, like watching fireworks at Buckingham Community Park. But if you’re not careful, these activities could result in permanent damage to your hearing system. Below we review how loud noises can cause damage and how to keep your ears safe this summer. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Within the inner ears are…
How to Get a Pair of Hearing Aids

Getting a pair of hearing aids isn’t as easy as heading to Edison Mall to try on and purchase a pair of jeans. Hearing aids are medical devices that need to be prescribed by a medical expert. Below we review the process of how to get your very own set of hearing devices. Step 1:…
The right hearing aids will halt the brain drain of listening fatigue.

For most people, hearing is like breathing or blinking. It’s something that happens so naturally and effortlessly that it’s often taken for granted. For people with hearing loss, however, the seemingly simple act can be downright exhausting. Debra Salomonson is one such person. She was born with a hereditary hearing loss, the same as her…
Is There a Link Between Hearing Loss and Migraines?

Migraines – a common neurological condition that causes an intense headache, nausea, changes to your vision and sensitivity to light – can be very disruptive. But in addition to its uncomfortable symptoms, you may be wondering if migraines may lead to hearing problems and ear-related issues. What Is a Vestibular Migraine? Nearly 40% of all…
What Is Low-Frequency Hearing Loss?

For a majority of the 48 million Americans experiencing hearing loss, their condition affects their ability to hear high-frequency tones. But what happens when you cannot hear sounds on the other end of the spectrum? This is known as low-frequency hearing loss. Below is a breakdown of the causes of low-frequency hearing loss and how…